Book Details

Book title: SOUTH ASIA AND GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS: Issues and Challenges
Author(s): T. Nirmala Devi (Ed.)
ISBN: 9788182745131
Publication Year: 2011
Binding: HB
Pages: 240
Price: Rs. 995 Rs. 995
Stock Availability Yes


Global financial crisis, the consequence of an unsustainable growth pattern that has been emerging since a decade, impacts the economies in all the regions, irrespective of their degree of globalization and deft economic management. Both developed and developing countries have different threats from the crisis, and devised appropriate measures to contain it.

South Asia weathered the crisis much better than most of the regions in the world. The region is least-affected by the global meltdown, due partly to the relatively closed nature of some of its members in respect of trade and capital flows; and partly to the strong fundamentals and prudent policies of the rest. Resilience is mostly seen in South Asia not only in knowledge-intensive services and exports of garments and textiles, but also in workers’ remittances and foreign direct investment. India, being driven by internal demand; sound domestic policies; and well-regulated banking system, has escaped the worst effects of the crisis to show assured signs of strong recovery.

ABOUT Author


Prof. T, Nirmala Devi is Director of the Centre for SAARC Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. South Asia studies is one of her strengths in her two and a half decade career. She was a Baden Wurttemberg Fellow at the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany. She has authored three books; edited three books; and co-edited two books. She has presented numerous reports and research papers on South Asia/SAARC, covering diverse issues like international economics, regional cooperation, gender, and demography.

She is the Editor of the journal, South Asian Affairs.

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