Book Details

Book title: EVEN IF IT AIN’T BROKE YET DO FIX IT: Enhancing Effectiveness Through Military Change
Author(s): Vivek Chadha
ISBN: 9788182749191
Publication Year: 2016
Binding: HB
Pages: 204
Price: Rs. 995 Rs. 995
Stock Availability Yes


Bringing about change in any setup, especially major shifts, is a challenge. This challenge is accentuated further in a strictly hierarchical organisation like the army, presenting an unenviable contradiction to both senior military practitioners and the governing elite, wherein, change is inevitable, yet, it is most likely to be resisted.

Military change is a relatively nascent area of study, especially in the Indian scenario. This book attempts to analyse this subject through an examination of existing literature, thereby co-relating some of its primary conclusions in the context of the Indian Army. This is done in relation to both conventional and sub-conventional threats and challenges, with a number of case studies as illustrative examples.

The book concludes that given the wide spectrum of threats faced by the Indian Army, as also most major armies across the world, attempts at understanding military change only through the prism of conventional wars could be misleading. It suggests that change need not only be revolutionary to enhance effectiveness. It could be both revolutionary and evolutionary, top-down and bottom-up. While effective change is primarily major in conventional conditions, it could well be tactical and yet make a substantial impact in sub-conventional scenarios. The book reinforces the importance of operational changes in the sub-conventional domain, even as an assessment of strategic and organisational changes is undertaken. It attempts to answer important questions related to the drivers, shapers, facilitating conditions and limitations related to effective change. It also relates military change with organisational changes in the corporate world to provide an interesting comparative analysis. Finally, the book reinforces its conclusions through a survey of officers from the Indian Army, to highlight existing limitations that need to be corrected in order to better innovate and adapt in pursuit of effective military change.

ABOUT Author


Colonel Vivek Chadha (Retd), is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA). Prior to joining the IDSA, he served in the Indian Army for 22 years. His areas of research include defence studies, counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. His published books include: Lifeblood of Terrorism: Countering Terrorism Finance; Bloomsbury; 2015, Low-Intensity Conflicts in India: An Analysis; Sage; 2005, Company Commander in Low-Intensity Conflicts; Lancers; 1997, and Indo-US Relations: Divergence to Convergence; Macmillan; 2008. He has also edited the Monograph, Armed Forces Special Powers Act: The Debate, and the Asian Strategic Review, for the last four years. He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Defence Studies, a quarterly journal of the IDSA, disseminating research on core defence issues.

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