The period of eight years between the World War II and the Transfer of
Power, demonstrates political convulsions in the history of modern India. It
was during this span that two important events, viz. The Cripps Mission and
Cabinet Mission had taken place and with their occurrence, it was felt in every
circle that it was no longer for Indian people now to remain in the clutches of
British imperialism. It is a hard core fact that, over the years, the study of
this crucial period is attracting the interaction of an increasing number of
scholars all over the world. Hence, viewing these years in a global
perspective, the present them Prelude to Indian Independence has been
systematically and carefully conceived and finally categorized into two
volumes, viz, Vol. 1—The Cripps Mission and Vol. II—The Cabinet Mission. It is
sincerely hoped that this academic venture will meet a long-felt need of the
scholarly community all over the world.
ABOUT Author
K. SHARMA, an alumnus of University
of Delhi, opted for the library profession after obtaining-graduation in Modern
Indian History and Bachelor of Library Science degree in the early seventies.
Documentation, bibliography and indexing have been his special forte. He has to
his credit a number of publications including Fifty Years of Indian Historical
Writings, Social Sciences in Modern India, Kashmir Through the ages, Rajasthan
Through the Ages, Delhi Through the ages, Cultural and Religious Heritage of
India, Raja Rammohun Roy- An Apostle of Indian Awakening, Discovery of
North-East India etc.