Book Details

Book title: The Gene: A Historical Perspective
Author(s): Ted Everson
ISBN: 9780313334498
Publication Year: 2009
Binding: HB
Pages: 208
Price: Rs. 795 Rs. 795
Stock Availability Yes


Genetics is one of the most powerful scientific fields today. It is transforming how we view medicine and public health. And is producing tremendous new discoveries in biotechnology. Advance in genetics also provoke extensive ethical debates over cloning. Genetic counseling. Stem cell research, and privacy. But to understand these debates. It’s essential to understand where these ideas came from – the ideas of the past have had tremendous influence on not just the science of genetics, but on the political and ethical debates surrounding the field. 

ABOUT Author


TED EVERSON is the Program Manager for Biotechnology Studies in the Center for Contemporary History and Policy at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. He earned a Ph D in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology from the University of Toronto, in which he explored historically the increasing use of genetic concepts and technologies in healthcare, an Ms in Medical Genetics from the University of British Columbia, focusing on genetic and physical mapping of the human genome, and a BS in Biology from the University of British Columbia. In addition to several academic articles and presentations for various audiences, he is the author of “genetic Engineering: Methods.” In Colin Hempstead and William Worthington, eds., Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Technology and” Genetics and Molecular Biology,” in Brian Baigre, ed., History of the Exact Sciences and Mathematics.

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