Book Details

Book title: John J. Pershing
Author(s): Tim McNeese & Introductory Essay by Caspar W.Weinberger
ISBN: 9780791074046
Publication Year: 0
Binding: HB
Price: Rs. 495 Rs. 495
Stock Availability Yes


For nearly three years, war had torn Europe apart. The German-led Central powers and the Allied powers, led by Great Britain and France, had fought one another with horrific new weapons: air attacks, machine guns, and poison gas. Hundreds of thousands had died, but the war seemed to have no end in sight.

It was now the spring of 1917, however, and the United States had joined the fight. A general with more than 30 years’ experience was coming to lead the American forces—John J. Pershing. The trim, stiff-backed, 56-year-old Pershing was the model of military efficiency. He had fought in Cuba and the Philippines, and had tracked gunman Pancho Villa across Mexican deserts. Pershing knew that the coming challenges would be the greatest of his already colorful and dramatic career.

ABOUT Author


TIM McNEESE. is a Associate Professor of History at York College in Nebraska. He is the author of more than fifty books and educational materials on everything from Egyptian pyramids to American Indians. Professor McNeese graduated from York College with is Associate of Arts degree, as well as Harding University where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science.

CASPAR W. WEINBERGER was the fifteenth secretary of defense, serving under President Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1987. Born in California in 1917, he fought in the Pacific during World War-II then went on to pursue a law career. He became an active member of the California Republican Party and was named the party’s chairman in 1962.

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