Book Details

Book title: Understanding Buddhism
Author(s): Perry Schmidt-Leukel
ISBN: 9788182742833
Publication Year: 2007
Binding: PB
Pages: 192
Price: Rs. 150 Rs. 150
Stock Availability Yes

Today Buddhism if often presented as a religion without dogmas and commandments, without God and without any need to believe, tolerating all and everything – as no “religion” at all, but as a way of life most suitable to the needs of post-modern westerners. But is this an accurate image? In this book Buddhism is introduced as a genuine religion, gentle and powerful, being as demanding as it is consoling. Buddhism is certainly not a theistic faith, but neither is it a form of atheism or materialism. Rather it is a challenge to both: a rich source of metaphysical, ethical and spiritual insight that has shaped and nourished countless generations of followers all over.

ABOUT Author

Perry Schmidt-Leukel is Professor of Systematic Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Glasgow. He holds the Chair of World Religions for Peace and is Founding Director of the Center for Inter-Faith Studies.

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