Book Details

Book title: The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush’s Military-Industrial Complex
Author(s): Dr. Helan Caldicott
ISBN: 1-56584-878-0
Publication Year: 0
Binding: PB
Pages: 352
Price: Rs. 795 Rs. 795
Stock Availability Yes


Helen Caldicott’s The New Nuclear Danger was first issued in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Frighteningly timely, the book has since gone through seven printings.

Noting the incredible bellicosity of the current American administration in light of its indebtedness to the arms industry, Caldicott warned of the enormous dangers of allowing weapons manufacturers to dictate foreign policy—warnings that went unheeded with results we are enduring today.

ABOUT Author

Dr. Helen Caldicott is the president of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, the founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, the winner of the 2003 Lannan Prize for Culture Freedom, and a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Both the Smithsonian Institute and Ladies’ Home Journal named her one of the Most Influential Women of the 20th Century, and she has honorary degree from nineteen universities.

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