Book Details

Book title: Delhi Dialogue VI: Realising the ASEAN-India Vision for Partnership and Prosperity
Author(s): Rumel Dahiya & Udai Bhanu Singh
ISBN: 9788182748293
Publication Year: 2015
Binding: HB
Pages: 214
Price: Rs. 795 Rs. 795
Stock Availability Yes

This volume is based on the proceedings of Delhi Dialogue VI held in March 2014. It epitomizes the growing dialogue between India and ASEAN at all levels. Delhi Dialogue brings together practitioners, corporate leaders, opinion makers, academics and journalists, every year, to discuss a wide range of issues of common interest and concern that animate the India-ASEAN relationship. Discussions held at the Delhi Dialogue, subsequent to ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit issuing the ‘Vision Statement’ in 2012, provide a good insight into the likely scenarios and possible trends in the post-2015 era.

ABOUT Author

Brig. Rumel Dahiya, SM retired from Net Assessment Directorate at Integrated Defence Staff of the Indian Armed Forces in 2009 after 32 years of service in the Indian Army. He is presently Deputy Director General at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. He is also Coordinator of the Military Affairs Centre and Managing Director of the prestigious journal of Defence Studies. Dr. Udai Bhanu Singh is Senior Research Associate and Coordinator, Southeast Asia and Oceania Centre, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. He studies in Delhi at St. Stephen’s College (B.A. Honours and Masters in History) and School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University(M.Phil and PhD). He specializes on Myanmar and Southeast Asia. He has been with IDSA since 1993.

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