A sound knowledge of different
facets of petro-Economics is a economics is a sine quo non particularly for the
petro-chemical sectors dealing with exploration, development, production,
refining, transportation. Storage and marketing of oil, natural gas and a wide
range of petro- products. Evolution and application of the concept of
petro-economics, following the first-ever major ‘ oil shock’ in the early 1970s
has gained strategic significance and tremendous momentum from the first decade
of the 21st century on the following ground: (i) Emerging need for
integration of national energy security with global energy security
environment; (ii) Growing concern for safeguarding dwindling strategic oil and
natural gas reserves to cater to the growing economy in the developing world
(particularly the BRIC nations) with much greater projected future demand for
oil and natural gas; (iii) segmentation of the global oil and natural gas
market on a geo-political basis, compounded by the overwhelming ramifications
of regional economic unions; (iv) price structuring, rationalization/ parity,
and attendant accounting problems of oil and natural gas in terms of upstream,
midstream, downstream, marketing/ retailing activities associated with crudes,
refined oil and natural gas (including LNG, CNG) products.
ABOUT Author
A.N. Sarkar, a graduate in Science from Kalyani University, obtained his Maters in Science from Madras University and Doctorate degree in Biochemistry from the University of Wales. Dr. Sarkar has served the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and different Central Ministries of the Government of India in the capacities of Scientist, Commissioner and Adviser for 30 years. Subsequently, Dr. Sarkar worked as a Chair Professor-NABARD and as a Professor-University of Petroleum & Energy Studies. Currently, Dr. Sarkar is working as a Senior Professor (International Business), Asia-Pacific Institute of Management in Delhi. He served as convener and Member-secretaries of several inter-Ministerial Committees of the Government of India n the sphere of Socio-economic Development & Renewable energy; as also National Programme Coordinator for various Internationally-sponsored Projects and Programmes on Sustainable Development. Dr. Sarkar has so far authored 4 Books and 100 research articles, published in reputed national & international journals.