Book Details

Author(s): Joseph A. Angelo Jr.
ISBN: 1573563366
Publication Year: 2009
Binding: HB
Pages: 640
Price: Rs. 1500 Rs. 1500
Stock Availability Yes


Although advanced technologies are the cornerstone of modern life, few people understand how such technologies as robotics or nuclear science actually work. Fewer still realize how such technologies as robotics or nuclear science actually work. Fewer still realize how-and how dramatically-technology influences our society and culture. Nuclear Technology, the newest volume in the Sourcebooks in Modern Technology Series, is a reference guide that provide nonspecialists with the  most up-to-date information  on seminal developments in nuclear technology, as well as covering the social, political and technical impacts of those developments on everyday life, both now and in the future.

ABOUT Author


JOSEPH A. ANGELO.JR. a retired U.S. currently a consulting futurist and technical  writer . He has a nuclear engineering from the University of Arizona and served as a nuclear research officer in the U. S. Air Force (1967-1987) in a variety of scientific positions involving nuclear treaty monitoring. He is also an adjunct professor in the College of Engineering at Florida Tech, specializing in nuclear radiation protection and waste management. Dr. Angelo is the author of 15 other technical books, including Space Technology and Nuclear Technology. 


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