Book Details

Book title: THUNDER OVER THE HORIZON: From V-2 Rockets to Ballistic Missiles
Author(s): Clayton K.S. Chun
ISBN: 0275985776
Publication Year: 2009
Binding: HB
Pages: 221
Price: Rs. 895 Rs. 895
Stock Availability Yes


The development of ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads had a profound impact on superpower rivalries and structured international relations for decades, changing the way nations believed war would be fought in the future. In this general history of the development of rockets and missiles, Chun traces the technology that made “attack from beyond the Horizon” possible. A former missile launch officer, he focuses not only on the development and employment of the ballistic missile- from early German V-2 use to today- but on their subsequent impact on national strategies, doctrine, force structure, and politics.

ABOUT Author


CLAYTON K.S. CHUN is Chair of the Department of Distance Education. He is a former Missile Launch Officer and Pentagon Officer in the Strategy Division of the Air Staff.

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