The Thoughtful Guide series is for serious
spiritual seekers looking to deepen their knowledge of a particular religion.
It offers not primarily text books for the library, though they can be used as
such, but accessible overviews of the history and the benefits that a
particular religious practice can bring to the reader. The authors eschew
fundamentalism and excessive simplifications, mapping out paths than can be
followed with the mind as well as heart.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in North
America, and the world, with well over the billion followers. Since September
11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the ongoing war against terror, the
world has seemed to be heading inexorably towards greater confrontation between
Muslim and non-Muslim cultures.
ABOUT Author
Shaykh Fadhlall Haeri is a writer-philosopher who combines knowledge
and experience of the spiritual teachings of the East with a keen understanding
of the West. He was raised in a family of several generations of spiritual
leaders in the Holy City of Karbala. Educated in Europe and America. Shaykh
Fadhlalla was active in the oil industry and international business, which he
later abandoned in pursuit of spiritual knowledge. His re-discovery of the true
Islamic heritage enables him to understand and relate to the spiritual quest
wherever it may arise, irrespective of culture or ethnic diversity.