Book Details

Book title: GENETICS 101
Author(s): Michael Windelspecht
ISBN: 9780313333811
Publication Year: 2009
Binding: HB
Pages: 214
Price: Rs. 795 Rs. 795
Stock Availability Yes


What should the average person know about science? Because science is so central to life in the 21st century, science educators and other leaders of the scientific community believe that it is essential that everyone understand the basic concepts of the most vital and far-reaching disciplines. Genetics 101 does exactly that. This accessible volume provides readers - whether students new to the field or just interested members of the lay public - with the essential ideas of genetics using a minimum of jargon and mathematics. Concepts are introduced in a progressive order so that more complicated ideas build on simpler ones, and each is discussed in small, bite-sized segments so that they can be more easily understood.

ABOUT Author


MICHAEL WINDELSPECHT is Assistant Professor of Biology at Appalachian State University. He is the author of co-author of numerous works for Greenwood, including The Digestive System and The Lymphatic System in the Human Body Systems series.

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