Book Details

Book title: THE LIGHT OF CIVILIZATION: How the vision of God has inspired all the great civilization(PB)
Author(s): Nicholas Hagger
ISBN: 8182742501
Publication Year: 2007
Binding: PB
Pages: 668
Price: Rs. 495 Rs. 495
Stock Availability Yes

In the most monumental study of the history of civilizations for several generation, Nicholas Hagger describes the grand sweep of history in the style of Gibbon, Toynbee and Spengler. He looks for the underlying patterns rather than the shorter-term political, economic or social movements. His unique interpretation is, firstly, to see religion as the basis for civilization rather than one element in it cultural expression. Saints, mystics, gurus, prophets, religious founders – it is these that drive history rather than kings and politicians. 

Secondly, it is to describe all religions as part of a common vision, that of the Light. The experience of the Light is described by mystics everywhere in the word, at all times. Over centuries it finds expression in laws, buildings, churches, regions, which in turn eventually crumble. The third element in Hagger’s analysis is relating Light-inspired religions to their cultures and civilizations, tracing the process, common to all civilizations, where they decline as the original fire of the Light is lost. Finally, in this updated version of his thinking, he looks at the implications for Western civilization today, facing huge changes life the collapse of the Soviet empire and the hostility of much of the Muslim word, and offers pointers to the future. 

An extraordinary book and must read for all.

ABOUT Author

Nicholas Hagger has lectured at the University of Baghdad in Iraq and the University of Libya, and been Professor of English at Tokyo University and Keio Universities in Japan. He has spent twenty-five years researching for this book. Amongst his other works are The Secret History of the West and The Syndicate (both O Books), with The Endless Rise and Fall of Civilization forthcoming.

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