Book Details

Book title: HEALTH SERVICE MANAGEMENT: Reading Cases and Commentary
Author(s): Anthony R. Kovner , Duncan Neuhauser(Eds.)
ISBN: 8182742692
Publication Year: 2006
Binding: HB
Pages: 418
Price: Rs. 2500 Rs. 2500
Stock Availability Yes


The book is distinctive in its overview of management and organizational behavior theory. It is organized in a framework that begins with those parts of work over which managers have the greatest control—the manger himself or herself and control systems—then extends to cover parts of the work over which managers have a good deal of control (at least over the short run)—organizational design and professional integration—and concludes with those parts of the work over which managers have less control—adaptation, including implementation of strategy, and accountability of interests that supply the organization with resources. Throughout there is an emphasis on the case method approach to teaching healthcare management.

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