Book Details

Book title: Global Jihad and the Tactic of Terror Abduction A Comprehensive Review of Islamic Terrorist Organizations
Author(s): Shaul Shay
ISBN: 9788182747937
Publication Year: 2014
Binding: HB
Pages: 324
Price: Rs. 995 Rs. 995
Stock Availability Yes

This Book analyzes Islamic terror abductions over the last 30 years in the Middle East (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen and Saudi Arabia), Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and The Philippines) Africa (The Maghreb, the Sahel regions, and Somalia), and in Russia as a part of the Russian-Chechen Conflict. Discussion also focuses on the abduction by hizballah of Israeli soldiers, the ?Second Lebanon War` of 2006, the Mumbai terror attack (2008), the Chechen hostage crises in Moscow and Beslan (2002 and 2004), and the kidnapping of employees of Algerian In Amenas gas facility by `al Qaeda of the Maghreb` in January 2013 and the Nairobi `` Westgate Mall`` hostage crisis in September 2013. The role of Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism and its patronage to terror organization that utilize the tactic of abduction to promote Iranian interest in Lebanon and Iraq, is highlighted throughout. Discussion focuses on the challenges faced by countries whose citizens have been abducted by Islamic terror organizations and their reactions to these challenges, and provides theoretical classifications of the phenomenon of terrorism in general and terror abduction in particular.

ABOUT Author

Shaul Shay : Shaul Shay is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, and served as the Deputy Head of the Israeli National Security Council. Among his published books are: Islamic Terror Abductions in the Middle East, The Shahids: Islam and Suicide Attacks, Islamic Terror and the Balkans and Somalia between and Restoration.

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