Book Details

Book title: Emerging Strategic Trends in Asia
Author(s): Uttam Kumar Sinha (Ed)
ISBN: 9788182748231
Publication Year: 2015
Pages: 308
Price: Rs. 1195 Rs. 1195
Stock Availability Yes

There is little doubt that Asia- stretching from the Eurasian landmass to the maritime reaches of Australia and the South Pacific-is experiencing a major shift in the global balance of power. Expressions like the `Indo-Pacific` and `Asia-Pacific`, contested they maybe, capture Asia`s expanse and dynamism. A power shift from the West to the East is well under way. But what is not understood is how this global re-distribution of political, economic and military power will impact global and regional geopolitical order. IR experts warn that power transitions of this magnitude can prove to be destabilizing. The argument that the world is interdependent to an unprecedented degree offers some hope that the transitions to new world order may turn out to be peaceful. Interestingly, these changes are also changing the mindset of the people who are pushing for political reforms and accountability. The chapters in this edited volume take a measure of these changes and try to understand their impact on peace and stability.

ABOUT Author

Uttam Kumar Sinha (Ed) : Uttam Kumar Sinha is a Fellow at IDSA and holds an adjunct position at the Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University. At IDSA, he is the Managing Editor of Strategic Analysis (Routledge). He has been a Chevening Gurukul Fellow at the LSE and a CSCAP-India representative for the study group on water resources security.

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